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17.03.2020 / page

Tips for online youth work

Note: this list is also available in German here. The current epidemic sweeping the world puts new challenges for the whole youth work sector as well. How can we reach young people in digital environments? What activities can we arrange for young people online when youth centres are closed? Here are some tips compiled by […]
03.09.2019 / material

Mobile youth work and social media (EN)

Youth workers move around Porvoo with a mobile youth work van to meet young people in different parts of the city and expand their activities outside the city center. Digital services are used to gamify eg. finding out the whereabouts of the van on a given day.
03.09.2019 / material

3D Printing and STEAM in Youth Settings (ENG)

This video tells the story of Kate’s journey as a STEAM youth work practitioner specialising in 3D Design and Printing with early school leavers who participate in YMCA Ireland's Support, Training and Enterprise Programme (STEP).
03.09.2019 / material

#ME - Body, emotions, digital media (EN)

#ME workshops invite young people to reflect the impact social media has on their self-perception. The workshops address young people from the age of 13, last for three hours and take place in same-sex-settings: a female #ME-trainer works with the girls, a male colleague with the boys.
03.09.2019 / material - online counseling for boys (Eng)

MitAssist is Denmark’s first online community for young men. On the website, they can give can write blog posts where they can talk about dilemmas in their life and receive advice and counselling.
03.09.2019 / material

ACT ON! active + self-determined online (EN)

ACT ON! is a media educational research and practice project that focuses on the current online activities of adolescents between the ages of 10 and 14. In the center of the project stands the perspective of the adolescents on "their" online worlds. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and is part of the initiative Gutes Aufwachsen mit Medien (growing up well with media).
03.09.2019 / material

appAcademy (EN)

Making music with tablet and smartphones is an exciting and contemporary field of (music) pedagogical practice with teenagers and young adults. The low threshold of music apps, which can often be found free of charge, meets a musical instrument that is omnipresent in young people's everyday lives: the smartphone or tablet.
03.09.2019 / material

Coding Pirates (EN)

Coding Pirates seeks to produce a strong community through workshops, events and courses where children, adolescents and volunteers meet. In this place, they can cooperate with and inspire each other through an interest of technology in a network of different local groups.
03.09.2019 / material

Space team - digital games in Lappeenranta (EN)

The video describes how the mobile game "spaceteam" is used as an activity in the youth services of Lappeenranta.
03.09.2019 / material

Hackathon in Youth Work (EN)

The #ABHackathon was the brainwave of a young person living in a rural area who wanted to attend a hackathon, however there were none near to where she lives in so we decided to plan our own! The goal was to provide opportunities for young people in Argyll and Bute to access emerging technologies and inspire them to take an interest in STEM subjects through education.